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kent fobye as? Tak a keek at Talk:Robert Burns

A wis telt bit Derek that's hou tae say it, A'll hae a keek an see gin a can fin a wey tae uiss the richt wirdin. Thanks, Nou Uiserr

RRSSC recommends uisin the spellin ui for vouel 7 see IPA chairt for Scots. Schuil.
Ye uised ü in ae wird an nou u(Consonant)e in this ane? Whit for?

A fand it on DSL an a leetin aw furms o the wird...As for Schule monie spaekers hae uised it as in "schule o thocht" an a chuist that furm for the teetle, yet a dae wonder why it maiters gin aw the pages gae tae the same place? Nou Uiserr

There's nocht wrang wi redirectin fae ither forms tho uisin ui in the airticle itsel wad haud the spellin o vouel 7 conseestant ootthrou Wikipaedia.